Tuesday, 31 December 2024

2024 Reflections & Countdown to 2025


Photo Collage

I fell and injured my right knee in January, just 2 days before we were supposed to lead worship and conduct training at a conference in Antalya, Turkey. I fell again on Christmas eve during our family retreat in JB, Malaysia and sprained my right ankle badly. So my 2024 was framed by 2 injuries.

On top of that, I had a surgery in September to remove a lump on my scalp. The wound took longer than expected to heal and even got infected 2 months later. So altogether, I've spent 44 days in the year convalescing due to surgery, infection and injuries. That is not even counting the days when I've crashed from long covid fatigue.

If I add in the 14 days with hospital visits, it would mean that almost 1 in every 6 days was spent on medical/health issues.

However, God has been reminding me constantly to look on the bright side. The collage above, for example, is made up of highlight photos from 2024 superimposed on a picture I drew during one of the many days convalescing. It was inspired by Philippians 4:8, "...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

Also, an early Christmas present I had received prepared me in advance for the pain that was coming.

The verse on the mug is from John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” And the acronym GIG stands for 'God Is Good'!

Looking back, I'm actually very thankful for God's protection. In Antalya, I was at the top of a flight of stairs but I didn't tumble down them when I fell or it would have been much worse - and I wouldn't have been able to do all that I was meant to do at the conference. In JB, I actually twisted my left ankle first and landed on my butt but only my right ankle was injured - so I can still hobble on one good (left) leg instead of being completely incapacitated.

Even though I've been suffering from long covid fatigue and brain fog for over 2 years, I have learnt to manage my energy levels so I don't crash so often. I just need to make sure I schedule in breaks and keep my schedule thin so I get sufficient rest in between.

In fact, I'm coping so well with long covid that I didn't crash at all during and after coming back from the multiple trips throughout this year. Plus the long covid specialist said I don't need to see him anymore. Praise the Lord!!

Anyway, during the many days of resting in bed, I have managed to create more art. That led to me being able to exhibit my artworks (mizuhiki jewellery) for the first time at Pameran Poskad (3-8 Dec) and even set up my own booth, also for the first time, at the Christmas Creatives Market in a cafe (20-22 Dec).

That's not all, I also took part in 9 conferences and 9 workshops/talks/retreats where I was either facilitating/speaking/teaching or receiving training, led 2 mission trips, and attended 6 exhibitions/performances (of which I had organised 1 and exhibited at another) and 1 graduation ceremony (my eldest son's).

All this is not to boast, of course. Instead, it's to illustrate how looking on the bright side has helped me to keep going and doing what God has called me to despite all the "trouble" that I face. And just to prove His point, I received these 2 cards in the mail yesterday.
Arise, God's children,
And if you are feeling faint,
Put in Him your faith!

A fellow praying mom had printed out a haiku I wrote (inspired by a Wordle puzzle) soon after surgery to encourage other praying parents, and when she mailed it to me she had inserted a postcard with 2 Corinthians 12:9, "But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me."

Looking ahead to the new year, which is in just over an hour, I'm certainly hoping that I won't sustain any injuries or undergo more surgeries. But regardless of whatever challenges I may encounter, I'm certain that His grace will be sufficient and His strength will sustain me!

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Art Reflections at a Conference

At a conference last month, I brought along some art materials and had the space to create during some of the devotion sessions.

Day 1

On the first day, I was struck by a point made by the morning speaker about the breath of God and decided to draw it during the afternoon prayer time. But I felt led to add streaks of red, representing suffering. And I realised that when He breathed into us, His breath carried the suffering that He knew was ahead both for His Son and all humanity. Hence, the fellowship of suffering (Philippians 3:10).

Then I was prompted to crush the paper and open it up again. Similarly, we may be crushed on all sides but we will not be destroyed because He is in and with us (2 Corinthians 4:8-10).

Out of the miry clay,
He lifted us up
And breathed into us-
His breath of life,
Filled with His Spirit,
Tinged with His blood
Of co-suffering foreknown.
One in Him, we are
Crushed but not destroyed
For His breath 
In us lives on.

After I was done, I felt led to pick up an envelope with random Bible verses and prayer pointers provided by the facilitators. God-incidentally, the passage I got was 1 Peter 4:1-2, which reinforced the message from the picture and poem:

Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.

Day 2
On the second morning, the thought just came to me to make a crown of thorns, so I cut out some magazine covers and started rolling and squeezing them. In the process, I was suddenly overwhelmed by the realisation that I was making a crown of thorns for Jesus. Should I continue? Why would I want to place the suffering on Him? But I felt compelled to keep going.

The magazine covers were rather stiff and they needed to be in order to form (and hold) the ring shape. However, rolling and squeezing them eventually led to pain in my thumbs. At this point, the speaker was talking about how Jesus wants us to share in His experiences. And that's when I knew I was actually making the crown of thorns for myself, as I share in His suffering (Philippians 3:10).

I looked for washi tape to bind the rolled paper together and found one that had doves on it. Then I thought I needed red (His blood) and gold (His glory) for the crown. There was a roll of red wrapping paper with the words, "This is your present" on it and I felt it was an appropriate phrase to describe how Jesus' suffering on the cross was a gift for us (Romans 6:23). But later on I also thought that it aptly expresses how in the present time we too bear the cross (including the crown of thorns) daily (Luke 9:23).

I used gold washi tape to stick the red paper onto the ring but it wasn't sticky enough. So I had to use more of the tape with doves. Under the red and gold, some of the doves from the inner layer peeped through - that seemed to represent how we can have inner peace even in the midst of pain and suffering (John 14:27). But the doves on the outermost layer also pointed to how He will restore peace when He returns one day (Isaiah 2:4).

The crown is made entirely of paper (magazine covers, washi tape, wrapping paper). And paper comes from wood. [I used some white glue to stick the thorns and I found out later that it's sometimes called wood glue even though it's not made of wood.] So basically the crown of thorns is made from trees, just like the one that Jesus wore.

Day 3 - Didn't create anything as I was helping to facilitate some creative reflection activities.

Day 4

Was inspired by the flowers in the resort one morning and decided to draw this during the devotion time. 

The water lily emerges from the murky waters yet it looks bright and pristine. Its leaves even help to purify the water around it.

So no matter how difficult the external circumstances may be, let us rise above all that, and bloom and grow into the person God designed us to be. Even in the midst of pain and suffering, we can be His peacemakers to bring peace to people and situations around us (Matthew 5:9).

Day 5 - Didn't create anything as I was helping to facilitate some creative reflection activities.

Day 6 - Didn't create anything as I was helping to watch a little boy while listening to the message.

Day 7

During the morning devotion time, I saw in my mind the crown of thorns being transformed into a crown of glory when the speaker was saying that one day we will receive our crowns from Him (1 Peter 5:4).

The transformation is only possible by His blood. And incidentally, the red twisty crayon was broken just like His body was broken for us (1 Corinthians 11:24). But because the broken pieces were no longer contained in the twisty case, I could use the long sides to colour in the red stream. Similarly, we also can be used by Him to reveal His glory through our brokenness. This is further illustrated in the crown of glory which is made with washi tape that has golden streaks creating a kintsugi effect - we are broken but redeemed for His glory (2 Corinthians 4:7)!

Someone commented that the crown looks like a burning bush. My desire is that all I do will be of eternal value so that on the day when we go through the fire, all of my "achievements" will endure and be refined as gold (1 Corinthians 3:10-15) so I will hear Him say, "Good and faithful servant (Matthew 25:23)!"

Day 8

Created this during the final morning devotion time. Two pieces of paper joined together with washi tape, symbolising how we are joined with Christ (1 Corinthians 6:17). 

In the stormy seas there is the red of His blood - we share in His suffering so He also shares in ours as we go through the storms of life (Hebrews 4:15). But from there a rainbow emerges, a reminder that we have hope because He has promised that when we abide in Him, He will abide in us (John 15:4).


I don't think all the speakers at the conference were focusing on suffering but somehow God was directing me to think about this topic. Yet, it wasn't in a gloomy or depressing way. He showed through all these co-created art that out of His suffering and ours will come peace, hope, glory and beauty.

Monday, 17 June 2024

Reflections at Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium 沖縄美ら海水族館

Bright and dull colours,
Big and small,
Flat, puffy, spiny, all sorts,
Every creature created
With amazing potential
To live an abundant life.

Just keep swimming,
Just keep swimming,
Round and round we go,
And again we go
Round and round 
Without an end.

We have food, and water,
And great company too.
Although sometimes we compete -
Who's faster? Prettier?
Or more important?
Who's more valuable?

We love, we die,
What looks like a glorious life.
But in the end nothing's changed,
Nothing's been gained
Except maybe vain glory,
Not worth calling a legacy.

What if we had known
About the vast ocean
And the opportunities out there
For adventure and endless possibilities 
To build a kingdom
Not of glass but of real significance?

"God has called Christians to be fishers of men, not keepers of the aquarium." - Paul Harvey