Friday, 12 February 2021

Chinese New Year 2021 Reflections (1/2)

To all our beloved Chinese family and friends, a very blessed Chinese New Year to you!!

During our reunion dinner last night, my mom told a very interesting origin story of the yusheng (a raw fish salad that is tossed corporately while speaking out auspicious sayings before being eaten). 
In 1942, Singapore was being attacked by the Japanese in the days leading up to CNY so they couldn't celebrate with the usual visiting/feasting with family and friends. But after the British surrender, things quietened down and a few famous chefs of the time decided to chop up whatever ingredients they had and created the modern day version of yusheng.

The name 鱼生 (raw fish) sounds like 余生 (those who are left alive) so it was a celebration for having survived the attacks. I thought it's very appropriate for us as well since we can also be grateful for having lived through COVID-19 so far.

Even as we thank God for protecting and sustaining us, let us live our lives in such a way that can be counted worthy of His grace! And even though we can't shout auspicious sayings while tossing yusheng this year due to COVID restrictions, let us not stop declaring His wonderful works and giving Him glory for all that He has done and will continue to do!

Disclaimer: as with all oral history, I can't vouch for the historical/factual accuracy of the above story. 😅

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